
Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Holidays

 We would like to wish all our children, staff and parents a 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New YearπŸŽ…πŸŽ„

School Closes Tuesday December 22nd 2020 

Re-opens Monday January 11th 2021

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Crumlin Christmas Jumper Day

                                   Crumlin Christmas 

                               Jumper Day 20

                                    We raised an amazing 665 for this great cause.

                                     Thank you so much to everyone who donated!


Friday, December 4, 2020

Celebrating Our Ulster Champions

  Massive congratulations to the Cavan team on winning the Ulster Final 2020.  

Wishing them every success in the All-Ireland semi finals against Dublin on Sat 5th December.


Friday, October 23, 2020

Halloween 2020


Happy Halloween !!!! 

School Closes Friday 23rd October and 

re-opens Monday 2nd  November

Green Flag Award 2020

 Congratulations to all the children, staff and Green - Schools Committee on receiving our 6th Green Flag for Global Citizenship Litter and Waste.

On Wednesday 21st October we marked this wonderful achievement by raising our new Green Flag in our school playground.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Green School Flag

A Thank You from Green Schools πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Green School Committee Update
We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in achieving our 6th Green Flag for Global Citizenship Litter and Waste.
Congratulations to all the children in the Convent of Mercy N.S. The work you have done is really having a positive impact on our school and local community.
Thank you to all the Green School committee members and everyone in the school for your continuous hard work.
When we return to school, we will receive our Green Flag and a certificate. Also we will celebrate this fantastic achievement together. This is something for us all to look forward to.
“We are the key there is NO planet B”

Monday, May 11, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians, 
I hope you and your families are keeping safe and well. I am aware after recent government announcements regarding school closures that you may be finding it quite a challenge to keep your child/children motivated at home to do their school work. 
Remember every little helps and any school work that you manage to get done at home is a bonus. If the children are reading daily and doing a little written activity in the core subjects during the week at their own level and pace they are achieving plenty. Be kind to yourselves, you are all juggling quite a bit at the minute and it is very important that you continue to look after your own health and well being both for your own sake and for your children.
I would like to thank you once again for all your efforts and acknowledge the invaluable role that you continue to play in your child's lives during these difficult times and always. 
Thank you also for getting in touch with us via email and for letting us know how the children are getting on and sharing their work with their teachers. This is  very important for the children as it allows them to feel connected to school even from a distance. It is also just as important for the teachers to feel connected to the children so please continue to keep in touch with us. 
Remember you will find all the teachers' email addresses on their blog and if you would like to contact the S.E.N. team at any stage you can email the school directly, we are all here to help and offer support in whatever way we can.
Take care, 
Mrs. Clarke

To the Children, 
Hello children, I hope you are all well and continuing to enjoy this great weather that we are having. I want to say a big well done to each of you for trying your best at home and for being kind and helpful too. I am sure there are days when you really don't feel like doing school work and there are times when you really miss your friends and your teachers too and that's ok, everyone feels like that sometimes. Just try to read every day and to follow what your parents are trying to do with you at home with the help of the teachers and their blogs. Remember we are proud of you and we miss you all so much but we are really enjoying hearing how you are getting on and seeing your hard work so keep it up!
Looking forward to hearing how you all get on this week with some of your blog activities.
Take care children, 
Mrs. Clarke

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children,
To our Children, 
Welcome back pΓ‘istΓ­, we hope you are all well and that you had a lovely, enjoyable Easter break with plenty of fun and some chocolate eggs too! Thankfully the weather was fantastic so there was plenty of opportunities to get out in the fresh air close to your home of course! Now it's time to get back to some school work and set up a little daily routine for yourselves again with the help of the grown ups at home. Your teachers have a guide on your class blog as usual so remember try your best and that's all we ask of you. 
Take care children and we hope we get to see your smiling faces again soon,
Mrs. Clarke and all the staff

To the Parents/Guardians, 
We hope that you and your loved ones have all remained safe and well over the Easter break and that you all managed to enjoy some downtime without the need to do school work with the children.
We appreciate that the children may find it quite difficult to get back into a routine after the holidays therefore feel free to ease them back into work in whatever way suits you and your family. As per usual the teachers have work uploaded on their class blogs but please remember that this work is a guide only and is there to help you but in no way to put you or the children under pressure. 
We would also like to hear from you and to hear how your child is getting on therefore in the next couple of days you will find an option on the class blog to contact the teacher privately via email with any questions you may have regarding your child's work. The teacher will do her best to respond to you within 24 hours. We hope that you all avail of this as we the teachers would love to hear how the children are doing. It will also help to inform the teacher's future planning for your child so please engage and communicate with us via the class email. We would really appreciate it. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thanking you all for your continued support and co-operation,
Take care, 
Mrs. Clarke and all the staff.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Easter Wishes

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children, 
To our Children,
We would like to say Well Done to all the boys and girls who have been trying so hard to do their school work from home over the last three weeks. We know that you have all tried your best and that is all we can ever expect from you. The good news is that it is now the Easter Holidays and that means you all get a break from your school work for the next two weeks. Although this will be a very different Easter break for you all, remember that you can still create plenty of fun things to do in your own home with your families. Why not make Easter decorations for the house or better still bake some Easter goodies with the help of a grown up! Remember to try to stay fit and healthy too over the break and get plenty of fresh air when you can.
Easter also means Easter Eggs!!! Try not to eat too many but enjoy them all the same and remember to share! 
Take care children and we hope to see you very soon.

To the Parents/Guardians,
Now is the time to let the children switch off from school work and to give yourselves a well earned break from the huge effort that you have been making to keep things as normal as possible for your children where their school work is concerned. We appreciate how difficult this has been on everyone especially parents who are trying to balance so much in their daily lives at home. We know that whatever you have achieved at home with the children over the past three weeks has been driven by love and commitment for them and with their best interests at heart always, so Thank you. 
We hope that the Easter break will give you all a chance to catch your breath and ease the pressure that surrounds trying to maintain a school schedule of some sort at home everyday. Remember, be kind to yourselves and acknowledge the great job you are doing. We won't always get it right every day but we try every day and what more can we ask of ourselves.
We hope you all have a lovely Easter in whatever form that takes, take care, stay safe and we hope to see you all soon. 

Mrs. Clarke and staff 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children,

I hope you all continue to stay safe and well during the School Closure and these uncertain times. As you are aware by now all schools will remain closed until after the Easter holidays. As a result of this we will continue to support you and your children at home with suggested timetables and activities. Can I please remind you that these activities are a guide only and are there to help support you as parents at home with your child’s learning during this difficult time.

To our Children,

WE MISS YOU ALL VERY MUCH. We miss your smiling faces and the fun and energy that you bring to our lives on a daily basis. We miss all the fun activities that we do with you both inside and outside the classroom as we learn together, whether it’s in Literacy, Gaeilge, Maths, Music, P.E., S.E.S.E., the list is endless.

We miss the laughter and sometimes the tears, the chats and of course the dancing on the yard with you and all your signature dances! We hope you are all still dancing as we will be cha, cha, cha-ing on the yard as soon as we return, so keep moving!!

Remember children that we may not see each other every day at the minute but we are thinking of you and we hope that you are enjoying this unexpected time at home. Yes, try to do some Literacy, Maths and some other activities each day, but it is just as important to have fun at home with your family and maybe learn to cook or bake or invent something new, you could even help around the house!! Try your best in every way, every day and know that we are so proud of you all.

Above all I know you are missing your friends, but remember children that although you may not be able to see your friends every day, you are actually doing a very important job. You are being the best friend that you could ever be at the minute by staying away and keeping your distance from each other. In this way we are all staying safe and if we do this we will be back together much sooner. Remember if you are worried about anything, that you can talk to your parents. You can also use any of the relaxation exercises that you have learned in school.

Look after yourselves pΓ‘istΓ­ and be kind to each other.
From Mrs. Clarke & all the staff

To our Parents/Guardians,

We are very aware of all the difficulties that are facing our school community at the moment and that every family has their own priorities to deal with on a daily basis. The most important factor in any household during this time is your own family’s health. With this in mind we would like to once again remind you that whatever timetable of activities you may find on the class blogs that they are there as a guide and a suggestion only. Every child is different and they will complete work at their own pace and that is ok. Some children may complete a lot of their work and others may take longer and this is absolutely fine. You, as their parents/guardians, use whatever tools you need to make it work for you in your own household. If we were all the same life would be boring, that’s why no two days in school are ever the same and home will be no different. Do what you can, when you can and be kind to yourselves. This is a new experience for all of us and everybody is trying their best.

In an effort to continue to support you all, the teachers have put up their new table of activities for the Week Beginning, March 30th on their class blogs. Pick and choose from this to suit your own child. As before, the links to useful websites and the links to the class books are provided on the blogs but please do not worry if you cannot access them, just continue to work with what you have. There are plenty of new suggestions for you to choose from if you need them.  Your child may still be working through their original class packs from their teacher which is also fine.

It may be of interest to you to know that RTE 2 are launching a school hour for Primary School children starting from Monday. Why not tune in for a while, I know I intend to.

Remember read, read, read with the children. While they cannot go to their usual places or on trips, they can go on special journeys in their imagination by reading. See borrow book, or oxford for some material and continue to raid your own bank of books at home.

As a parting note,

Take care, Be safe and we hope to see you all again soon.

In the meantime if you have any queries you may email the school on

C. Clarke & all the staff

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians and children,
I hope you are all keeping well and looking after each other. Today was the beginning of a new experience for everyone, parents/guardians, teachers and children alike. We hope Day 1 of your home schooling went well but don't worry if you are finding it a little strange as we all feel the same.

To make things a little bit easier for you all at home, each teacher has created a sample timetable that you may find helpful when trying to establish a daily routine at home. Children thrive on routine and will soon get into the run of things as long as clear guidelines are set out for them. The timetables are a guide only but may be very useful to help you see how long to spend on activities and when to build in breaks and other household activities. Please click on your child's class blog and you will find the timetables there.

The teachers will also upload work on the class blogs from next week but for the moment the children have all gone home with enough work to keep them busy and learning. 
Take care of yourselves and remember kindness and understanding in this present situation will go a long way.

We miss you all children,

Take care,

From all the staff in the Convent.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge

12ΓΊ MΓ‘rta 2020

NaΓ­onΓ‘in ShΓ³isearacha – Rang a SΓ©

NaΓ­onΓ‘in ShΓ³isearacha    DΓ‘n       Is maith liom dul ag MΓ‘irseΓ‘il

                          Song       I am a Little Shamrock

                          AmhrΓ‘n    An LeipreachΓ‘n

NaΓ­onΓ‘in Shinsearacha    Poem       The Wearing of the Green Day

                           DΓ‘n        An tSeamrΓ³g

                           AmhrΓ‘n    ‘LamhΓ‘ suas an fΓ©idir leat?’

                                       Ceann, gualainn, glΓΊin is cos.

Rang 1                     AmhrΓ‘n     BΓ­ id Thost is Damhsa Liom

Rang 1 agus Rang 2        DΓ‘n         HumptaΓ­ DumptaΓ­

                             Damhsa     Tar Chugaim

Rang 3 agus Rang 4       AmhrΓ‘n      GhlΓ©as tΓΊ fΓ©in mar is cheart

                            DramaΓ­       SeΓ³ Faisin

Rang 5 agus Rang 6       Seit         SΓ©an NΓ³s

                                          IonsaΓ­ na hInse

GrΓΊpa ScoΓ­l                              Ceol

AmhrΓ‘n na bhFiann

Monday, March 9, 2020

Green Schools Action Day - 3rd March 2020

Celebrating all our friends in the 
local community from around the world

A sincere Thank You to all our families, children and staff who made our recent 
Global Citizenship Action Day
 a great success !!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

World Book Day - LΓ‘ Domhanda na Leabhair

Children and adults throughout the school dressed up as their favourite character from books of their choice. 
 A great day of fun!!