
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians and children,
I hope you are all keeping well and looking after each other. Today was the beginning of a new experience for everyone, parents/guardians, teachers and children alike. We hope Day 1 of your home schooling went well but don't worry if you are finding it a little strange as we all feel the same.

To make things a little bit easier for you all at home, each teacher has created a sample timetable that you may find helpful when trying to establish a daily routine at home. Children thrive on routine and will soon get into the run of things as long as clear guidelines are set out for them. The timetables are a guide only but may be very useful to help you see how long to spend on activities and when to build in breaks and other household activities. Please click on your child's class blog and you will find the timetables there.

The teachers will also upload work on the class blogs from next week but for the moment the children have all gone home with enough work to keep them busy and learning. 
Take care of yourselves and remember kindness and understanding in this present situation will go a long way.

We miss you all children,

Take care,

From all the staff in the Convent.